George A. Codding, J.D., IAAI/CFI

George A. Codding is a Certified Fire Investigator through the International Association of Arson Investigators and a Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator through the National Association of Fire Investigators. He has more than 20 years of experience investigating fire scenes and determining the origin and cause of fires.

George is also a member of a county fire investigation team. He served as a volunteer firefighter for 27 years, holding the positions of lieutenant, captain, and battalion chief. He also has experience as a police officer and deputy sheriff.

In addition to performing fire investigations in Colorado, George is licensed to investigate fires in the states of New Mexico and Arizona. George holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Colorado Boulder and works in the criminal justice field. He has organized and implemented training for seven state and international training conferences. George has teaching experience in law, methodology, and scientific/technical topics related to fire investigation in Colorado and other areas of the United States, as well as internationally in English, French, and Spanish. He is an Adjunct Instructor at Pikes Peak State College Regional Law Enforcement Academy. George is the rewrite author and editor of the 6th Edition of Fire Investigator: Principles and Practice (Jones & Bartlett), which was published in 2022.